QuSpin Sensor Localization Software: Beta Release

QuSpin Sensor Localization Software

Summary: QuSpin Localization Software enables fast, accurate calculation of sensor locations and orientations.  This beta release is part of the QuSpin HALO product platform that provides a simple solution for registering sensor arrays to medical datasets.   

The advent of highly sensitive “zero field magnetometers” (QuSpin’s QZFM sensor for example) has paved the way for exciting advancements in bio-magnetic sensing applications.  The sensors not only allow the real-time detection tiny magnetic signals originating, for instance, in the brain, but can also pin-point the source of these signals when multiple sensors detect the signal. An array of sensors can act analogously to a GPS system, where a source position–in this case, some signal detected within the brain–is triangulated after being detected by several sensors. The first step to achieving high fidelity source localization is accurately knowing the position and orientation of the sensors. For simple array geometries, like a planar repeating array, this may seem trivial, but for more complex arrays, the task quickly becomes unwieldy. And for practical applications, the burden of locating the sensors should be left to a computer, not the operator.

Enter QuSpin’s Sensor Localization Software-a simple interface for computing the sensor location. The software is part of QuSpin’s HALO product platform, which is designed to quickly obtain sensor data for the localization process. Data from HALO is fed into the software resulting in coordinates and orientations of the sensors. For a 64 sensor (192 channel) array, the process takes under 5 minutes to locate the sensors. These results can then be use to register the array to other datasets like, for instance, an MRI rendering of the brain.

A beta release of the software is now available. For more information or a demonstration, please contact dbobela@quspin.