QTFM Gen-2 Quick Reference

Led Color Codes1

State Description
Flashing Red Idle (flashes every 1s in Master mode and every 0.5s in slave mode)
Solid Yellow Autostart in progress
Solid Blue Transmitting valid magnetic field data
Solid Red Bad data (high gradient or in a dead zone)

1LED visible on the sensor ECU

Sensor Configuration Options2 [retained in internal flash memory]

Data Rate  1/2/4/8/16/32/64/128/1000/2000 ms
Print Items Sensitivity/Data drop counter/Timestamp
Filters 50 or 60 Hz notch/10 Hz low or highpass/20 Hz low or highpass/custom low or highpass/Off
Magnetic Environment Scalar Noisy/Average/Quiet/Auto-optimize/Custom (SZC)
Magnetic Environment Vector Noisy/Average/Quiet/Auto-optimize/Custom (VZC)
Vector Mode Enabled/Disabled (requires add-on vector coils)
Automatic Start-Up Enabled/Disabled
Baudrate 115200/230400/19200bits
Sync mode Master/Slave

2can be set with the user interface software or with serial commands

More info on sensor configuration can be found here.

Serial Commands

Decimal Ascii Command Description
76 L Autostart Initiate Autostart process
79 O Toggle self boot Automatic autostart when sensor powers on. This command toggles the setting on or off
59 ; Auto optimize ZC Automatically optimizes measured zero crossings
60 < Announce ZC Readback of measurement zero crossings in scalar and vector mode
101 e Reboot Software sensor reboot
43 + Print Sensitivity Toggle on and off with the command
108 l Print Data drop counter Toggle on and off with the command
109 m Print Timestamp Toggle on and off with the command
42 * White LED Mode Toggle on and off with the command. Will force the ECU LED to be white. Useful for determining which sensor is connected to the COM port when multiple sensors are connected.
32 space Master Mode Switch to Master mode
33 ! Slave Mode Switch to slave mode
34 Print Sensor Info Short Print sensor serial number and other permanent settings
40 ( Change Baud Rate Needs to be followed by the desired rate. Ex. (115200*
41 ) Baud Rate Statement Announce current baud rate
115 s Startup settings Print all startup settings
117 u 60Hz Notch Filter Turn on 60Hz notch filter
118 v 50Hz Notch Filter Turn on 50Hz notch filter
119 w Highpass 10Hz Filter Turn on 10Hz highpass filter
120 x Highpass 20Hz Filter Turn on 20Hz highpass filter
121 y Lowpass 10Hz Filter Turn on 10Hz lowpass filter
122 z Lowpass 20Hz Filter Turn on 20Hz lowpass filter
123 { Filters Off Turn off all filters
125 } Change Data Rate Cycle through Data Rate settings
106 j Environment Setting Vector Cycle through environment settings for vector mode (change VZC)
107 k Environment Setting Scalar Cycle through environment settings for scalar mode (change SZC)
105 i Set Custom ZC Mem Add 2 (custom SZC):Mem Add 305 (custom VZC) Mem Write Int button to set address
90 Z Toggle Vector Mode Vector mode on/off
84 T Sync Synchronize all Master and Slave sensors chained together