QTFM Quick Start Guide


Quick Start Instructions:

  1. Download and install the  QuSpin User Iinterface (UI): QuSpinInst. An old version of the control software can be found here: Archive.
  2. Unpack the magnetometer and secure the sensor head and electronic control unit (ECU) (small box with QuSpin logo).
  3. Plug the ECU into the power/coms board the using provided cable.
  4. Plug the power/coms board into a laptop or pc using the provided cable (do this before starting the QS UI). When plugged in, a blue light will appear on the power/coms board and a red light will appear on the ECU. By default, the magnetometer is set to autostart once power is applied.
  5. Run the QS UI by double clicking the shortcut labeled “QuSpin Mag Monitor.” Windows 10 users can find this link by typing it directly in the Cortana search field. A small window will open allowing for the selection of the com port.
  6. During operation, the light pattern on the ECU will change as it progresses through the autostart procedure:
    Red flashing – laser off
    Red solid – laser on
    Green flashing – laser locked, rf unlocked, cell unlocked
    Green solid – laser locked, rf locked, cell unlocked
    Blue flashing – laser locked, rf unlocked, cell locked
    Blue solid – laser locked, rf locked, cell locked
  7. User interface: Setup for saving data is found under File > Settings. Once data save is set up, data record begin when the “Saving” box on the main screen is checked. Data will continue to save until the box is unchecked. View > Command Window allows for changing the data output rate (decimation time), applying line filters, and turning the RF lock on and off. Other commands can be entered in the send commands dialog. Diagnostics > Input window shows the raw data stream from the magnetometer. The data format is described here.
  8. Once the solid blue light is active, the magnetometer is sending valid data. If it is flashing, the mag is probably in a dead-zone. Try adjusting the orientation of the sensor head to maximize the signal strength (the number after the @ symbol on the Input window) . The data rate can be changed by clicking the Change DT button in the UI. Each click doubles the time between data points until about 1.25 seconds and then it cycles over. Signal strength does not appear at the fastest data rate.